by St.Emlyns, Prof Simon Carley, Manchester
FOAMed has been around for a while now and it’s growing year on year. The academics, the journals and the learners are increasingly engaged with
#FOAMed resources and so it’s something we need to know about.
It matters now because learners are using it or should be using it.
We do know that #FOAMed well established and we know that people are using it, but how do we make it work for our departmental teaching
Learn to use #FOAMed as a tool for communicating, learning, exchanging thoughts, challenging yourself and making friends in Emergency Medicine around the world.
Learn to contribute in #FoaMed. Why?
You can be a better, more engaging teacher and medical educator. It's like magic.
Try it. You wont regret it.
Simon Carley
Alan Grayson